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System development

Technology base

Trio System Plans has extensive development experience in various industries and areas using the latest technology and development languages, and provides planning, requirements analysis, design, and development by personnel who are familiar with project management, design development, and maintenance operations.
We provide consistent support from installation to maintenance. In addition to our six domestic development bases, we collaborate with Trio Group’s offshore and nearshore bases to achieve efficient system development.


Business area

Government offices/municipalities

Supporting the future digital society

Through the development of apps for government offices, we are developing core systems that support people’s lives, such as issuing passports. We are playing an active role as an indispensable partner through the development of systems that help improve the convenience of citizens through the digital government concept. We are also working on advanced fields such as demonstration projects that utilize generative AI.

Government offices/municipalities


Development and support for online banks

We provide the latest financial services through the development of accounting systems for online banks and support for smartphone app integration for financial service users.


Mobility (auto industry)

Initiatives for Japan’s core industry, the automobile industry

The mobility field, which is a core industry in Japan and will continue to evolve and expand in the future, is a business field in which we are focusing our efforts. Our specialty is the development of applications that support the core business of automobile companies, especially automobile sales operations and production logistics systems.


Contract development

We respond to customer needs by collaborating with domestic and offshore bases.

In addition to our domestic contract development bases, we collaborate with Trio Group’s offshore and nearshore bases to achieve efficient software development. We provide systems that respond to customer requests by making full use of the latest technology and languages, such as web systems and smartphone app development.

[Domestic/nearshore bases]
[Offshore base]
[Main development languages]

Contract development